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Meet the team behind our award-winning British apples and pears.

Meet Clive Goatham our CEO.

Clive has been part of the ACG team all of his life!

His key responsibilities are keeping us all in order!

We asked Clive what he enjoys most about working for ACG to which he said, ‘I had no choice, my mother told me this is what I had to do! It’s been my whole life, I have loved every day and my greatest pleasure has always come from doing my best to create a happy working environment where everyone feels valued and content within the business as much as possible, I look forward to coming to work and feel a genuine part of our family business and a part of the wonderful team that exists within ACG & Son. I’ve always thoroughly enjoyed the banter that I try to create with all members of staff and convince them we are all equal here and working to achieve the same goals.’

Clive said he has never had the time nor particularly wanted hobbies, the business was always enough for him. He has always loved his dogs.