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Ted and Ginny Goatham enjoy tucking into a delicious British Gala apple!

Did you know that apples are a wonderful snack for your canine friends?

Apples are cheap, low in calories, and high in nutritional value, they are a wonderful snack for your dog.

Perfect as a treat or a reward for good behaviour, apples can improve your dog’s general health in many ways.

🍎 Apples are packed with vitamins (A, C & K) making them a strong immune booster. 

🍎 Apples are good for your dog’s bones due to the fact that they contain calcium and phosphorus.

🍎 Apples are high in fibre which makes them great for dog digestion. 

🍎 Apples are low in protein which can be beneficial for elderly dogs or dogs on a low-fat, low-protein diet.

🍎 Apples are great for your dog’s dental health and hygiene.

🍎 Apples have antioxidants that improve joint health and may reduce the chances of cancer. 

Apples should always be served to a dog sliced, in cubes or in chunks. How big or small the slices should depend on the size of your dog.

When you are next enjoying your favourite British apple variety, you may want to share the joy with your four-legged buddy….who knows, you might have found their new favourite treat!